The Consumer Affairs Authority is seeking applicants for the position of Director General. The ideal candidate will have strong leadership skills, experience in consumer protection and regulation, and a passion for promoting consumer rights. This is a unique opportunity to join a dynamic organization that is dedicated to ensuring fair and ethical business practices, protecting consumers, and fostering a competitive marketplace. Interested candidates should apply with their CV and cover letter.
Vice Chancellor
Director General , Director , Deputy Director/Assistant Director , Secretary to the Board/Legal Officer , Counseling Officer , Assistant Counseling Officer , Assistant Scientific Officer , Nurse , Laboratory Technician
wOHlaI ckrd,a " wOHlaI " ksfhdach wOHlaI$iyldr wOHlaI " udKav,Sh f,alï$kS;s ks,OdÍ " WmfoaYk ks,OdÍ " iyldr WmfoaYk ks,OdÍ " iyldr úoHd;aul ks,OdÍ " fyo ks,OdÍ " ridhkd.dr ;laIK Ys,amS
Director , Chief Security Officer , Assistant Registrar , Assistant Internal Auditor
wOHlaI " m%Odk wdrlaIl ks,OdÍ " iyldr f,aLldêldÍ " iyldr wNHka;r ú.Kl
Nursing Officer , Technical Officer , Laboratory Attendant , Blacksmith , Foundryman , Welder , Machinist , Motor Mechanic
fyo ks,OdÍ " ;dlaIK ks,OdÍ " úoHd.dr iydhl " lïu,alre " jd;a;=lre " mEiaiqïlre " hka;% Ys,amS " fudag¾ ld¾ñl
NdId mßj¾;l
Senior Legal & Regulatory Affairs Officer
kS;s yd kshduk lghq;= ms,sn| fcHIaG ks,OdÍ